Thursday, April 12, 2012

Focus on Innovation and Caine's Arcade

I came across the following two items completely independently but they compliment each other so well and are so useful that I couldn't help but share them together here under the common theme of "Innovation."

The first item is an article/interview with author Tony Wagner on his new book Creating Innovators. The article does a nice job of distilling the major points and recommendations from the book. They include food for thought for me as a teacher, you as a parent and all of us as a community. Here's a link to the article:

The second item is a video about a young boy who demonstrates an inspiring level of innovation and perseverance. I first heard about it as a radio story on NPR, but felt compelled to track down the video and see this young man's creation for myself. Parents and kids should find it equally inspiring. It's called "Caine's Arcade" and is a fascinating example of how an innovative mind can do A LOT without MUCH.

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