Thursday, March 29, 2012

Myers-Briggs Super Hero Projects

Perhaps you've had a chance to explore the Voki which describes each dimension of the Myers-Briggs personality assessment that our 4th and 5th graders took. One way we used the data and insight about our personalities was to develop a "Super Hero" with super traits based on our personality profiles. Before we got too carried away though, we also had to analyze our profiles for possible weaknesses, and imagine those onto our alter egos as well (hey, even Superman has kryptonite!)

These are up in the room at both campuses, and you'll get to see them when they come home with most of our work toward the end of the year. One of our most popular heroes has been "Neona" from Hannah at Isbell (an "INTP"). Next time I'm in trouble, I hope she's nearby!

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