Thursday, September 1, 2011

Welcome to QUEST 2011-2012!

If you haven't figured it out yet from the theme of this year's blog, our topic this year in QUEST is "codes and ciphers," also known as cryptology. We'll explore the evolution of cryptology throughout history and in a variety of settings. It will also be a gateway into higher order thinking across the disciplines, from math/logic to science to social studies and language arts.

Please consider using the "Follow by Email" option on the blog main page to get email notifications whenever the blog has been updated. It will be an important tool for parents, as I will be providing information on our curriculum and projects (including photos and that sort of thing) as well as resources to support you as the parent of a gifted child.

There will also be resources for students, including links to recommended online activities and even some secretly embedded codes they'll need to solve! In fact, here is the first secret code of the year:
.-- . .-.. -.-. --- -- .   - ---   --.- ..- . ... -
. .- -   -.-- --- ..- .-.   ...- . --. . - .- -... .-.. . ...
Need a little help with that? First try the morse code reference chart above. Still can't crack it? OK, just this time you can try the "Morse Code Conversion" link on the right.

I'm very excited about this year and I hope your child is too!

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