Thursday, September 15, 2011

GT Class Norms

Either this week or last week every class has had a discussion about our "GT Class Norms." These norms are the behaviors, mindsets and attitudes I am encouraging and expecting from all my QUEST students this year. Here they are, along with some brief explanations.

  1. I will participate: In the brief periods we have together, there's no time to fade into the background and hide. To get the most out of QUEST you must be actively engaged and curious.
  2. I will ask comlex questions about the topic: Since a primary goal of QUEST is to develop higher order thinking, we need an observable way to measure the level of thinking. The types of questions you formulate are a great indication.
  3. I will use precise, specific words: QUEST should be a safe, risk-free laboratory for students to develop and practice advanced vocabulary and communication skills.
  4. I will give reasons for answers: Being able to justify answers with sound thinking and logic is a key life skill.
  5. I will think about my thinking: Metacognition. "Know Thyself."

There are also some old-fashioned "bad behavior" checks in place, but if students are following the norms above, behavior is hardly ever an issue. After the first major issue I communicate with the teacher, but anything beyond that involves direct communication with the parent.

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