Thursday, May 17, 2012

Bridge Construction Challenge Combines Science, Geometry and Creativity

Our end-of-year ZomeTool challenges have become one of the most anticipated "traditions" and this year I wanted to push the students to integrate some specific engineering principles into their always creative designs. Their challenge was to design and create a bridge that got vehicles across a river and kept them "7 inches" above the water surface.

In addition, the bridges were tested for stability (a.k.a. "earthquake tested"), strength and beauty.

Before constructing, we explored the reason why triangles are the strongest shape to use in a structure and got some tips from an engineer on a how a baseball player's wide batting stance is an excellent model for earthquake-proofing bridges.

Although 4th and 5th graders completed the challenge as well, I've decided to share the 3rd grade projects here. We have some future architects!

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