Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen: Student Book Reviews

Our 5th graders have been working through the first Winston Breen novel as a way of connecting our work on codes and ciphers with literature. One of the project options was to create a book review. Elizabeth, Shobha and Michelle from Isbell prepared the first review below, and it is following by a review from Kathryn, also from Isbell.

You can learn more about this book at


by Elizabeth, Shobha and Michelle
Winston Breen is a boy who loves creating and solving puzzles. He buys a jewelry box at Penrose’s store of random things for his sister’s birthday. When his sister reveals a hidden compartment, a mystery arises involving four baffling wooden strips (with letters on them), a librarian, two strange men- and don’t forget, Winston and his sister, Katie. They go on an adventure to find the hidden treasure that the mysterious strips tell of. Will they find the concealed treasure, or will they fall into the depths of the unsolved mystery?
I liked Winston Breen because it involves adventure, a mystery and many puzzles as well. Winston Breen is an enjoyable book, but remember, if you get stuck on one of the puzzles there are answers in the back of the book. If you can help it, try not to look at the answers, use your brain. The mysteriousness of Winston Breen is intriguing. If you have read this book before… Good for you!!!! Keep in mind that The Puzzling world of Winston Breen is a cool book; try to solve all the puzzles too!
I recommend this book to a quieter individual who likes a mystery. To get full pleasure out of this book you should have constant time to read and solve puzzles instead of only 2 hours a week. You can still read this if you have minimal time; it is just not as enjoyable. Winston Breen is a very good book for middle schoolers. I also propose this novel to advanced readers in GT, Quest, LEAP, Pace, or AIM. If you like this book, I advise you read the sequel, “Potato Chip Puzzles”. I adore Winston and hope you do to.

By Kathryn

The puzzling world of Winston Breen is a novel that starts with an innocent present that spirals in to a full blown treasure hunt with backstabbing and double crossing. As Winston pieces together the puzzle he finds he can trust.
    I believe this book has amazing puzzles and a twisted plot. Though I lost interest in the beginning but it somewhat sets the story up. Overall an amazing story with good content.
    I recommend this book to anyone with a love of puzzles because the plot is based on the puzzles.

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