Monday, February 6, 2012

Build Non Verbal Reasoning Skills with "SET"

I am asked quite often by parents what they can do to help students build non verbal reasoning skills, such as those tested on the CogAT. One of the most powerful ways to exercise the "thinking muscle" involved in non verbal analysis and logic is a game called "SET." SET inolves using attributes (another key concept of the QUEST curriculum) to sort cards into groups ("sets") of 3 cards.

The rules of what makes up a set are both extremely simple and very intricate and subtle. The good news is we've been playing it as a warm-up exercise in class recently so your child should know! And even better news, your child (and you) can get a free non verbal workout everyday on the SET Daily Puzzle website. Each day they refresh the page with a new SET challenge.

I HIGHLY recommend encouraging your child to visit it regularly to build up those dendrites and synaptic connections involved in complex non verbal logic and reasoning.

P.S. I'll also include a permanent link to the SET Daily Puzzle on the Games and Stimulation page of the website.

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