Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Fish Puzzle: Another Lesson in Persistence

When Christie 2nd grader Carrington saw a "cute little fish puzzle" in the QUEST room one day and started playing around with it, she didn't realize she was about begin a multi-week battle that would require all her patience, logic and visual problem solving skill!

On the surface it seems like an innocent little 9 piece puzzle that might take a preschooler 2 minutes. It is designed, however, to push you to your limits! Most students, and adults, realize how tough it is after just a few minutes, then set it aside for something a little less "impossible." Carrington challenged this impulse, however, and declared that she was definitely going to solve it!

A few weeks (and many hours of her holiday break) later, she had done it.  

Congratulations, Carrington! Thanks for reminding us of this quote by Christopher Reeve (the original "Super Man"):

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable,
and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.” 

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